Revolutionary History, Vol. 11, No. 1 [Trotsky and His Critics] (2013)

Revolutionary History,

vol. 11, No. 1 [Trotsky and His Critics],

Socialist Platform/Merlin Press, London 2013, pp. 362, £ 20,00




- «Editorial».



- Boris Souvarine, «Letter to Leon Trotsky» (8 June 1929);

- «Trotsky and the German Communist Opposition»:

ú «Is That Really Accurate?» (from Gegen den Strom, Vol. 2, No. 16, 20 April 1929);

ú Leon Trotsky, «Letter to the Leninbund» [late 1928] (from Gegen den Strom, Vol. 2, No. 16, 20 April 1929);

ú August Thalheimer, «The Leninbund and Trotsky» (from Gegen den Strom, Vol. 2, No. 19, 11 May 1929);

ú «Reply to Urbahns» (from Gegen den Strom, Vol. 2, No. 21, 25 May 1929);

ú «Trotsky, the Counter-Pope» (from Gegen den Strom, Vol. 2, No. 28, 13 July 1929);

ú «The Crisis in the Leninbund» (from Gegen den Strom, Vol. 2, No. 40, 5 October 1929);

ú [A. Thalheimer,] «Comments on an Agent’s Report» (from Der Internationale Klassenkampf, Vol. 2, No. 3, September 1937).

- Jay Lovestone, «Soviet Foreign Policy and World Revolution» (Chapter 7 of Lovestone’s pamphlet Soviet Foreign Policy and World Revolution, Workers Age Publications, New York, August 1935);

- «Christian Stalinism and Trotskyism»:

ú «The Trotskyite Problem» (from The Christian Left, No. 13, May-June 1938);

ú «Perfectionists and the Moscow Trials» (from The Christian Left, No. 6, 28 February 1937).

- Senex [Max Schmidt], «Revolutionary Tactics in Spain» (from Vanguard, Vol. 4, No. 5-6, November 1938, and No. 7, February 1939);

- «Trotsky and Spain: The POUM’s Assessment»:

ú Wilebaldo Solano, «Andreu Nin and Leon Trotsky» (1989);

ú Ignacio Iglesias, «Trotsky and the POUM: A Balance Sheet» (from Iglesias’ book Experiencias de la revolución española, Editorial Laertes, Barcelona 2003).


- «Work in Progress».




- Corula Star, «Hector Abaywardena (1919-2012)»;

- Ian Birchall, «Ahmed Ben Bella (1918-2012)»;

- Corula Star, «Bob Gould (1937-2011)»;

- Bridget St. Ruth, «Ian David Kitson (1919-2010)»;

- J.J. Plant, «George Leslie (1918-2012)»;

- Scott Reeve, «Terry Liddle (1948-2012)»;

- «Theodore Melville (1932-2010)»;

- Moshé Machover, «Akiva (Aki) Orr (1931-2013)»;

- Bridget St. Ruth, «Dave Packer (1945-2012)»;

- J.J. Plant, «Dave Spencer (1940-2012)»;

- Ian Birchall, «Alan Woodward (1939-2012)»;

- «James D. Young (1931-2012)».


- Ron Heisler, «High Theory for the Marxian Chattering Classes» (a review of Philip Bounds, British Communism and the Politics of Literature, 1928-1939, Merlin Press, London 2012).


- Paul Le Blanc, «Making Sense of Trotskyism in the United States: Two Memories» (a review of Peter Camejo, North Star. A Memoir, Haymarket Books, Chicago 2010, and Leslie Evans, Outsider’s Reverie. A Memoir, Boryana Books, Los Angeles 2010).




- Sarah Gruszka, «Éric Aunoble, Le communisme, tout de suite! Le mouvement des communes en Ukraine soviétique (1919-1920) (2008)»;

- Christian Høgsbjerg, «David Austin (ed.), You Don’t Play with Revolution. The Montreal Lectures of C.L.R. James (2009)»;

- Jean-Jacques Marie, «Nikolai Bukharin-Valerian Ossinsky-Karl Radek-Vladimir Smirnov, Les communistes de gauche contre le capitalisme d’État. La revue “Kommunist” (Moscou, 1918) (2011)»;

- Jean-Jacques Marie, «Michel Cordillot, Aux origines du socialisme moderne. La Première Internationale, la Commune de Paris, l’Exil. Recherches et travaux (2010) – Mathieu Léonard, L’émancipation des travailleurs. Une histoire de la Première Internationale (2011)»;

- Ian Birchall, «Alain Cuenot, Pierre Naville (1904-1993). Biographie d’un révolutionnaire marxiste (2007)»;

- David Renton, «Neil Davidson, How Revolutionary Were the Bourgeois Revolutions? (2012)»;

- Julien Papp, «Bob Dent, Hungary 1930 and the Forgotten History of a Mass Movement (2012)»;

- Mike Jones, «David Fernbach (ed.), In the Steps of Rosa Luxemburg. Selected Writings of Paul Levi (2012)»;

- Ian Birchall, «François Ferrette, La véritable histoire du Parti Communiste Français (2011)»;

- Chris Gray, «V.N. Gelis (ed.), Pandelis Pouliopoulos, First Secretary of the KKE. In His Own Words (2012)»;

- Alun Morgan, «Ted Grant, Writings. Volume One: 1938-1942. Trotskyism and the Second World War (2010) – Ted Grant, Writings. Volume Two: 1943-1945. Trotskyism and the Second World War (2010)»;

- Sheila Lahr, «Selma James, Sex, Race and Class: The Perspective of Winning. A Selection of Writings 1952-2011 (2012)»;

- Bob Archer, «Ben Lewis-Lars T. Lih (eds.), Zinoviev and Martov. Head to Head in Halle (2011)»;

- Paul Le Blanc, «John Newsinger, Fighting Back. The American Working Class in the 1930s (2012)»;

- Gregor Benton, «Ngo Van, In the Crossfire. Adventures of a Vietnamese Revolutionary (2010)»;

- Edward Crawford, «Tom O’Lincoln, Australia’s Pacific War. Challenging a National Myth (2011)»;

- Simon Hardy, «John Riddell (ed.), Toward the United Front. Proceedings of the Fourth Congress of the Communist International, 1922 (2012)»;

- Ian Birchall, «Jean-Marc Schiappa, Buonarroti (1761-1837). L’Inoxydable (2008)»;

- Ian Birchall, «Richard Seymour, Unhitched. The Trial of Christopher Hitchens (2012)»;

- Salvador Lou Cuartero, «Reiner Tosstorff, El POUM en la revolució espanyola (2009)».


- «Letters».


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