Revolutionary History, vol. 10, No. 2 [The Left in Iran 1905-1940] (London 2010)



Revolutionary History,

vol. 10, No. 2 [The Left in Iran 1905-1940],

Socialist Platform/Merlin Press, London 2010, pp. 458, £ 19,99




- «Editorial»;

- Cosroe Chaqueri, «The Left in Iran, 1905-1940»;

- Cosroe Chaqueri, «Chronology of the Left in Iran, 1905-1940»;

- Archavir Tchilinkirian, «Constitutional Persia and Its Needs» (1910);

- Cosroe Chaqueri, «Communism in Persia: 1920-1941»;

- Cosroe Chaqueri, «Taqi Arani and the Comintern. The Revolutionary Republican Party of Persia: the Iranian Communist Party “Surrogate” or Its Alternative»;

- Reginald Bridgeman, «The Rise of Persia».



I - «Social-Democrats’ Declaration on the Occasion of the Grant of the Constitution by the Shah» (16 August 1906);

II - «Social-Democratic Manifesto» (1908);

III - Archavir Tchilinkirian, «Letter to Karl Kautsky» (16 July 1908);

IV - Karl Kautsky, «Reply to Archavir Tchilinkirian» (1 August 1908);

V - «Protocol No. 1 of the Social-Democratic Conference» (October 1908);

VI - Vasso A. Khachaturian, «Letter to Georgi V. Plekhanov» (19 November 1908);

VII - Tigran Derviche (Ter-Hakopian), «Letter to Georgi V. Plekhanov» (December 1908);

VIII - «The Awakening of Asia: An Appeal of the Persian People Regarding the Loan Project» (1909);

IX - T. Tria (V. Mgladze), «The Caucasus and the Persian Revolution» (August 1910);

X - «Appeal of the Iranian Social Democrats to the International Proletariat» (August 1911);

XI - Jean Longuet, «A Great Meeting for Persia» (December 1911);

XII - Avetis Sultanzade (Makailian), «Perspective of Socialist Revolution in the East. Thesis» (March 1920);

XIII - «The First Congress of the Iranian Communist Party» (June 1920);

XIV - «Jangali Declarations» (June-July 1920);

XV - Central Committee of the Communist Party of Persia, «Proclamation Addressed to Our Deceived Jangali and Cossack Brothers» (2 August 1920);

XVI - Central Revolutionary Committee of Iran, «Pro-Communist Jangalis’ Last Attempt to Obtain Assistance from Soviet Russia» (12 December 1920);

XVII - «Negotiations by Ekhsan-allah Khan’s Government with Kuchek Khan» (February-March 1921);

XVIII - Theodor Rothstein, «Letter to Nariman Narimanov» (20 March 1921);

XIX - Theodor Rothstein, «Letter to Georgi Chicherin» (20 July 1921);

XX - «Programme of the Ranjbaran (Workmen’s) Party» (1921);

XXI - Revolutionary Committee of Persia, «Proclamation of the Revival of the Republic with the Second Central Committee of the Iranian Communist Party» (15 August 1921);

XXII - «Report by Central Committee of the Iranian Communist Party to the Executive Committee of the Communist International» (Extracts, 9 December 1921);

XXIII - M. Saunders, «A British Report on the Persian Party Kaunik (Communist)» (October 1922);

XXIV - «The Ishtamayun [Ijtima`iyoun/Socialist] Party in Tehran» (January 1923);

XXV - «A Buried Interview [to Alavi Assadov]. Persia: An English Semi-Colony» (February 1927);

XXVI - «Brief Report on the Proceedings of the Second Congress of the Iranian Communist Party» (28-29 October 1927);

XXVII - Fedor F. Raskolnikov, «Letter on Sultanzade’s Request for Transfer to the Comintern» (24 November 1927);

XXVIII - «Address of the Iranian Communist Party to the Toilers of Iran» (Winter 1928);

XXIX - «Action Programe of the Iranian Communist Party» (1929);

XXX - «The Anti-Socialist Law» (May-June 1931);

XXXI - Reginald Bridgeman, «Persia and British Labour» (July 1931);

XXXII - League Against Imperialism, «Protest Against Reign of Terror» (June 1931);

XXXIII - Avetis Sultanzade, «Letter of Resignation» (Late 1931).



I - Taghi-Zada ‒ Moazid-Es-Saltana, «Persia’s Appeal to England» (27 October 1908);

II - Persia Committee, «The Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907» (1911);

III - Maxim Gorky, «The Persia Committee» (1912);

IV - Independent Labour Party, «Persia, Finland and Our Russian Alliance» (Extracts, 1915);

V - K. Malik, «Grabbing Persia. The Anglo-Persian Agreement of 1919» (May 1920);

VI - F.L. Kerran [Kerhahan], «From Brixton Jail to Enzeli» (July 1920);

VII - «The British and the Reds at Enzeli» (25 May 1920);

VIII - George Horwill, «Oil and Finance: In Persia, Turkey and Mesopotamia» (Extracts, 1921).


- Ron Heisler, «The Thaxted Years. Trotskyist versus Stalinist Pilgrims on the Anglo-Catholic Pact»



- J.J.Plant, «Robert Baltrop (1922-2009)»;

- Patrick M. Quinn, «Bill Banta (1941-2008»;

- Corula Star, «Roy Berkeley»;

- Bridget St. Ruth, «Frank Ceciorka (1938-2008)»;

- CERMTRI, «Max Clémenceau»;

- David Landau, «Stephen William Cohen (1945-2009)»;

- Charles Wesley Erwin, «Upali Cooray (1939-2009)»;

- Hugo Moreno, «Angel Fanjul (1927-2009)»;

- Corula Star, «Terry Fields (1937-2008)»;

- Harry Ratner, «Ruth Frow (1922-2008)»;

- Herramienta, «Ernesto González»;

- Charles Wesley Erwin, «Dona Caroline Rupasinghe Gunawardena (1908-2009)»;

- John Molyneux ‒ Andy Durgan, «Chris Harman (1942-2009)»;

- Corula Star, «Anatol Kagan (1913-2009)»;

- Corula Star, «Ernest Millington (1916-2009)»;

- Chris Gray, «Adrian Mitchell (1932-2008)»;

- Pepe Gutiérrez, «Eduardo Pons Prades»;

- «Benie Moss»;

- Ron Heisler, «Harold Pinter (1930-2009)»;

- «William A. Price (1915-2009)»;

- «Antonio Roca (1914-2008)»;

- «Rowland Sheret (1945-2008)»;

- J.J. Plant, «Marking the Death of Cyril Smith»;

- Dave Spencer, «Jack Sprung»;

- «Alan Walter (1957-2009)».



- Christian Høgsbjerg, «C.L.R. James ‒ A New Study»;

- «The Victor Serge International Foundation»;

- «The Belgian Left».


- Paul Le Blanc, «Robert Service, Trotsky. A Biography (2009)».



- J.J.Plant, «William J. Fishman, East End 1888 (2009)»;

- Gabriel García Higueras, «José Ramón Garmabella, El grito de Trortsky. Ramón Mercader, el hombre que mató al líder revolucionario (2006)»;

- Keith Flett, «John Green, Engels. A Revolutionary Life (2008) – Tristam Hunt, Engels. The Frot-Coated Communist (2009)»;

- J.J. Plant, «Frank Henderson, Life on the Track. Memoirs of a Socialist Worker (2009)»;

- Corula Star, «David King, Red Star Over Russia. A Visual History of the Soviet Union from 1917 to the Death of Stalin (2009)»;

- Geoff Barr, «Simon Pirani, The Russian Revolution in Retreat, 1920-24. Soviet Workers and the New Communist Elite (2008)»;

- Bridget St. Ruth, «Andrew Robert (ed.), Postcards from the Russian Revolution (2008)»;

- Jean-Jacques Marie, «Antonella Salomoni, L’Union Soviétique et la Shoah (2008)»;

- Mike Belbin, «Jan Willem Stutje, Ernest Mandel. A Rebel’s Dream Deferred (2009)»;

- Paul Flewers, «Tim Tzouliadis, The Forsaken. From the Great Depression to the Gulags: Hope and Betrayal in Stalin’s Russia (2008)».


- «Letters».


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